Sandar parish register. Christenings 1862-1871.
ID: 24
Church register no.: Sandar MINI 8
Page: 4
No.: 24
Year: 1862
Date of birth: 21.02.1862
Date of christening: 09.03.1862
Name: Hans Ludvig
Sex: M
Illegitimate: E
Home christening:
Marital status father:
Occupation father: Gbr
Given name father: Søren
Last name father: Larsen
Residence father: Moe
Illegitimate child no. (father):
Age father:
Marital status mother:
Given name mother: Henrikka
Last name mother: Henriksdtr
Residence mother:
Illegitimate child no. (mother):
Age mother:
Wedding date:

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